

与祖国同行的 同济大学 2020-08-31







Allen SHI 巴西


O ano de 2020 começou de um jeito que surpreendeu todo mundo, Coronavirus chegou e assustou o nosso ano. Eu acredito que sempre vai ter arco-íris depois da tempestade, em breve poderemos ver alegria e sorrisos nas ruas de China.

Espero poder oferecer energias positivas através dessa mensagem. Desejo que os meus amigos, professores, colegas e toda China possa estar são e salvos. 

Força China! Força Wuhan! 

2020年的开始让我们大家都意想不到,新冠病毒让我们大家都吓了一跳. 我相信风暴后一定会有彩虹,过不久我们就能在街上看到人们的的快乐和笑容。



Jahangir 乌兹别克斯坦


I'm Jahangir from UZBEKISTAN. I'm a PhD student College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University.

At this critical time in China, I support all my friends and classmate in China in Wuhan to fight against the virus that is breaking out in China.

China gives me the opportunity to study, to do research. It has become my second hometown.

This virus has become our common disaster. We live side by side. I express my deep condolences to the families of the victims of this terrible virus, and hope that the people who are suffering from the virus will recover as soon as possible, and the coronavirus will eventually be defeated, and we will never hear of this threat again.

People all over the world are paying attention to the situation in China. All my country mates feel sympathy for every resident of China and believe that this will soon be over and that China will return to its former life again.

I wish all Chinese residents and foreign friends good health and let any disease by pass you!

Best regards

 Khalil Yahya Almajhali 也门


My name is Khalil Yahya Almajhali, I am from Yemen. I am a doctoral student at Tongji University. First of all, thank the Chinese government and people for all the procedures which they take to protect us. The big thanks to our beloved college that pays attention to our cases and takes care of its students!

China has paid a lot for our health. Whether it's the police, doctors, school teachers, security guards in our neighborhood, our Chinese friends and neighbors are concerned about our health every day. Even the seller who sells meat and vegetables is concerned about us. Every time we go shopping, he will ask us how are you? Tell us to be safe when we leave.

There are no such enthusiastic people in other countries. No matter where you go, you will not find the warm Chinese friendship of China.

China is suffering and not easy because of the virus recently. Every day, we hope that China will soon get better. China is our second country. China's pain is also our pain. We love China and believe that China will get better.

I will not choose to leave China because of this virus.







